Intestinal microbiota: Valbiotis Research signes a research partnership with the MEDIS2 Unit from the Clermont Auvergne University.

Valbiotis, a Research and Development company committed to scientific innovation for preventing and combating metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, announces the signature of a research partnership in intestinal microbiota with the MEDIS2 Unit from the Clermont Auvergne University on its active substances against dyslipidemia and metabolic liver disease.
Led by a laboratory shared by the two entities, this collaboration will aim to develop a complete and dynamic human gastrointestinal model integrating the microbiota of the small intestine for the first time.
This project is based on the in vitro digestive model led by the MEDIS Unit, a unique innovation in human digestion research while to approach cardiovascular and metabolic diseases from a digestive and intestinal perspective, with a particular focus on the intestinal microbiota is an innovative angle in line with Valbiotis research and development strategy.
This work will make it possible to develop the world’s most complete model of the human upper digestive tract by 2024, integrating in particular the microbiota of the small intestine. The expected results will support the non-drug strategies against metabolic and cardiovascular diseases developed by Valbiotis.
The research project called MIMETiv1, which will focus on the TOTUM•070 and TOTUM•448 active substances developed by Valbiotis, will be conducted by a joint laboratory, partly funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) with a contribution of €363,000.
Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
Phone: +33 (0) 546 284 567
Contact: Marc Delaunay |