Meet-up Pharma, a Day Dedicated to Health Industry Careers in Auvergne, will be Held on October 12th in Clermont-Ferrand.

The second edition of Meet-up Pharma will take place on Saturday, October 12th, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Michelin stadium forecourt in Clermont-Ferrand. Organized by GIMRA (Groupement des Industries du Médicament en Région Auvergne), this informational and awareness day offers the public an opportunity to discover the various careers in the pharmaceutical sector and all the benefits of this exciting and inclusive industry.

The event is free and open to everyone. Middle school and high school students, university students, job seekers, professionals looking for a career transition, those currently employed, or simply curious individuals will have the chance to explore different spaces led by regional professionals. These spaces will cover a range of topics, from discovering careers and training options (career presentations, orientation space) to research and job opportunities in the region (candidate coaching and a job dating session with over 150 positions available).

An orientation space will feature training institutions from Auvergne, including universities and schools.

A candidate coaching space will include several HR coaches to help create or review resumes and offer flash interview training. A professional photographer will also be available to take free CV photos.

A pharma career path area will host numerous experts who will discuss their professions with the public. All levels of education will be represented (from no diploma, high school diploma, to Bac+2/3, Bac+5 or higher). Some examples include laboratory technician, industrial pharmacist, marketing manager, forklift operator, production operator, maintenance manager, accountant, and many others.

There will also be a fun space with experiences, quizzes, and an escape game.