“Accelerate your plant innovation!” VEGEPOLYS VALLEY is launching the 7th edition of its competition dedicated to start-ups.

VEGEPOLYS VALLEY is launching the 7th edition of its competition dedicated to innovations that concern the production and uses of tomorrow’s plants.
The competitiveness cluster will collect applications from French start-ups (in curruntly in creation or less than 18 months) until 15 November 2022.
On 9 December, the jury will award five prizes with grants of €10,000, plus operational and strategic support.
New this year is the awarding of a Limagrain award for a particularly innovative tool or service.
For this 7th edition, project leaders are invited to explore seven key themes related to:
Crop production :
- New technologies for crop production: products or services using new technologies (digital, robotics, imaging, big data, connected agriculture…) for a more efficient and environmentally friendly crop production.
- Varietal innovation and seed and seedling performance: methodology to accelerate selection, process to promote seed and seedling quality…
- Plant health: new concepts of protection products or biostimulation, tools to improve their efficiency, method of detection of pathogens…
The use of plants:
- Urban plants: products or services for the production of food plants or the development of plants in cities.
- Nutrition-Prevention-Health, Well-Being, Cosmetics: development of ingredients or products of vegetable origin with nutrition-prevention-health, cosmetics, well-being or related services.
- Plant for human and animal food: new plant-based foods, new processes of processing, conservation, valorization of co-products, or improving the quality of products, new services…
- Agromaterials and Biotransformation: new applications of plants and plant co-products.
The winners will be awarded five prizes, with €10,000 and operational and strategic support from VEGEPOLYS VALLEY. The competition also includes specific coachings proposed by the partners (Angers Technopole, the network of Breton technopoles, the BUSI incubator by Clermont Auvergne Innovation).
In case of interest, the Limagrain Prize winner will receive support from the group, which may include technical expertise and market, collaboration with the group’s subsidiaries, coaching, links with the cooperative’s farmers…
Other forms of support may be proposed: sponsorship of network entrepreneurs, support of partner banks, investor committee for fundraising..
Learn more and apply for the competition