ON-LIGHT will take part on the 2nd Regional Research Days in the Hospital Centre, organized by Emile Roux Hospital Center of Puy-en-Velay on 23 and 24 June 2022.
Clermont Innovation Week Roundtable: How can and should health and climate-conscious agricultural approaches create value in our territories?
Le SMO Biopôle Clermont-Limagne publie son Panorama & chiffres Clés 2021.
Valbiotis announces approval to launch the two Phase II/III INSIGHT and INSIGHT 2 clinical studies, the last step in the development of TOTUM•854 for the reduction of blood pressure.
The EIB, with the support of the European Commission, is financing a €30 million loan for Carbios’ enzymatic recycling technology to support the Circular Economy.
STRAINCHEM enters the semi-industrial phase with France Relance.
Carbios receives support from the European Commission through the LIFE program.
Valbiotis: preclinical results for TOTUM•070 in hypercholesterolemia, selected and presented at the American Heart Association (AHA) annual meeting.
Pascal Mayer receives the prestigious breakthrough prize for his massive parallel sequencing technology codecovery.
Valbiotis obtains patent for its active substance TOTUM-63 in China.