The Biopôle works hand in hand with businesses throughout their development: technical support at the various sites, communication support, a range of initiatives to encourage interaction between businesses and networking with the Biopôle’s partners.
Setting up in the Clermont-Limagne Biopole means not only being able to tap into its resources but also positioning your activity at the core of a dynamic business network fully recognised by all the life sciences stakeholders.
Focus on excellence and competitiveness clusters
The business networks, excellence and competitiveness clusters are organised according to their specific area of expertise (health, plants, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, pain, etc.) and are invaluable business facilitators. They foster innovation, promote industrial partnerships and collaborative R&D projects, and support the business and international development of their members. Some of them are based in the Biopôle.
Competitiveness cluster
AURA Excellence Cluster
Cancer consortium
Business group
AXELERA is the benchmark cluster for the chemical and eco-industry sectors working to build a sustainable society. It supports growth and innovation in France and abroad for all those working in sustainable development of the regions through the controlled management of materials and environmental resources. The cluster is committed to developing chemical solutions for industry and local areas, competitive eco-efficient processes, technologies to preserve and restore natural resources, and circular management of various materials, water, air, soil and energy.
The Cancéropôle Lyon Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (CLARA) is one of seven canceropôles created in 2003 under the national Cancer Plan.
It is structured into platforms headed by major figures in cancer research in Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes focusing on 6 fields of research:
– Tumour progression and resistance, innovative therapies
– Infections and immunity
– Nanomedicine, healthcare technologies
– Bioinformatics, modelling
– Prevention, people and society
– Environment, nutrition and epidemiology
The Clermont Ferrand hub pools skills in high speed genotyping, metabolomics and functional imaging by radiotracers.
The Groupement des Industries de Santé et du Médicament de la Région Auvergne (Auvergne regional pharmaceutical industry group) brings together some forty members, including three institutional structures whose common denominator is health in the human or veterinary field.
All the professions involved in the development of a drug are represented, from research into new molecules to the production of drugs for the market and distribution thereof.
GIMRA’s missions:
- to promote exchanges and partnerships between its members,
- to promote the activities of members by intervening with public authorities, local, departmental and regional authorities, chambers of commerce, hospital administrations, social security bodies and employers’ associations,
to develop collaborations with other healthcare professionals, the universities and other educational and research structures.
Made up of fifteen or so members, the Innovatherm cluster develops collaborative and innovative partnerships in the spa industry.
Food, nutrition, probiotics, food supplements, cosmetology, well-being tourism or renewable energies such as geothermal energy are all fields which the cluster intends to explore with a view to further developments.
Its initiatives are geared towards global health and its intention is to broaden its spa therapy scope, including care and support to the elderly, management of diseases of society, overall patient care and subsequent care.
The cluster is tasked with the following missions:
- Supporting the emergence of tomorrow’s spa industry through innovation in all fields
- Creating scientifically validated preventive health products to complement traditional spa treatments
- Adding value to spa water in the context of new industrial applications (energy, cosmetics, food supplements, etc.).
The ANALGESIA Institute is the first research foundation dedicated to innovation in pain management in France. It is set up in Auvergne with a firm commitment to excellence via a network structure in French which is poised to go international.
The ANALGESIA Institute supports innovative, collaborative, patient-centric pain management projects for both humans and animals.
It rounds up clinicians, researchers and businesses with one and the same ambition in mind: to make breakthroughs against pain by developing innovative, safe, efficient and ever-personalised analgesics.
As a Cluster, Lyonbiopole is the gateway to healthcare innovation in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. It supports ambitious projects and innovative companies in the healthcare & life sciences’ sector. Its aim is to help innovators develop new technologies, products and services in a push toward a more personalised medicine and better treatments for patients.
Its strategic areas of action:
- human medicine
- veterinary medicine
- in vitro diagnostics
- medical devices and technologies
The Probiotic Research Institute is made up of SMEs, public and private-sector research laboratories and training centres.
It is tasked with meeting the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry in probiotic R & D with two focuses in mind:
- obtaining drug regulatory status pertaining to probiotics, enabling treatment indications to be claimed,
- federating an expertise hub in order to host and handle R & D projects upstream (screening of new strains) and downstream (production of a finished product complying with the GMP regulations).
Végépolys Valley, pôle de compétitivité du végétal, soutient et rassemble les acteurs de toute la chaine de valeur du végétal, de la génétique aux usages.
Végépolys Valley is a competitiveness cluster in the plant field dedicated to supporting and bringing together stakeholders from the entire plant value chain, from genetics to uses.
The cluster fosters and supports the co-design of innovations to achieve competitive, quality plant production methods that protect the environment and the health of consumers and producers, while improving the quality, convenience, services and authenticity of plants for food and non-food uses.

ARBIOS, Auvergne biosites network
The Biopôle Clermont-Limagne works in close collaboration with the Bioparc Vichy-Hauterive and the Naturopôle Nutrition and Health Science Park in Saint Bonnet de Rochefort.
Working together within the Arbios network, the three biosites pool their resources and provide bio-entrepreneurs with an interface to all the relevant stakeholders for their projects. They represent 70 companies, 1,700 jobs, 25,000 m2 of high-tech lease premises, within close proximity to cutting-edge research and a high-performance support system.