Year of creation: 1959
Status: non profit association
Workforce: 9
% of the turnover dedicated to R&D: NA
Number of patents: NA
Accreditations: BPE
Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
2 rue Henri Mondor
63360 Saint-Beauzire
Chloé Malaval-Juery
Phone: +33 (0) 473 334 210
Email: c.malavaljuery@arvalis.fr
Website: www.arvalis.fr
Applied research organisation, Arvalis Institut du Végétal products technical, economic, and agronomic references points for the seed sector.
Created in 1959 by the professional organizations of the cereal sector, ARVALIS – Plant Institute is an organization of industrial research directed by farmers.
It develops and diffuses techniques and information allowing the farmers and their partners to adapt to the market trends and to remain competitive.
The regional office of ARVALIS – Plant Institute sets up agronomic experiments which are distributed on the whole of the territory of Auvergne, from north Allier to the mountains of Cantal and Haute-Loire.
It leads actions of training and technical expertise in partnership with economic and agricultural development organizations of the area.
3 minutes video: ARVALIS, the main agricultural technical institute in France