Year of creation: 2022
Status: SAS
Workforce: NC
% of the turnover dedicated to R&D: NA
Patents: 1 exclusive license
Accreditations: ISO 13 485 currently in development
Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
Zone de la Varenne
Rue Henri et Gilberte Goudier
63200 Riom
Bruno Vedrine
Email: contact@oncosema.com
Website: http://www.oncosema.com
Expertise in R&D, manufacturing and marketing of IVD-MD for the early diagnosis of cancer.
ONCOSEMA develops, manufactures and sales tests for cancer monitoring based on the detection of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) in blood.
ONCOSEMA is a purpose-driven company, labeled as a Deeptech start-up by BPI France.
ONCOSEMA is involved in improving the management of cancer patients thanks to actionable blood tests based on CTC detection within a simple blood draw. From the earliest stages of cancer development, CTC are shed by the primary tumor and circulate through the bloodstream. Thus, CTC are viable agents directly responsible for metastasis. The follow-up of CTC rates is a powerful biomarker to monitor cancer progression in real-time.
ONCOSEMA addresses Medical Research and Clinical Oncology with future applications for cancer patients (prognosis assessment, monitoring of treatment effectiveness, detection of cancer relapse).