Year of creation: 1998
Status: SARL
Workforce: 2
% of the turnover dedicated to R&D: 0
Patents: 0
Accreditations: RNQ Qualiopi N°3469
Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
2 rue Michel Renaud
63360 Saint-Beauzire
Carole Zanin
Managing director
Phone: +33 671 103 156
Email: contact.qualtechsarl@gmail.com
Website: www.qualtech-consulting.fr
From quality insurance to quality management and certifications.
Since 1998, QualTech offers consulting and training services for development of management quality systems based on quality standards and regulation. QualTech provides assistance for :
- setting up insurance and management quality systems,
- conforming company organisation to applicable standards and regulation,
- insuring traceability,
- structuring SOPs and establishing quality indicators,
- carrying out assessments and audits by international certificated auditors (IRCA),
- obtaining certifications.
QualTech is expert in general standards like ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, but also in most specific of them like ISO 13485 for CE mark medical device, ISO 15189 for medical laboratories, ISO 17025 for testing and calibration laboratories and others good practice standards.
Scientific and organizational competences of QualTech are proposed to life sciences innovative companies and industrial companies. Ours customers works in biotechnology, biomedical but also in IT, mechanic and plastic, in production and services.
QualTech is also 15 years of training experience with universities, private partners and companies.