MEET-UP Pharma: the 1st forum of the Healthcare Industry Professions in Auvergne.

MEET-UP PHARMA, a forum for the professions of the pharmaceutical industry, will be held on October 8, 2022 in Clermont-Ferrand, as part of the national week of employment in the industry.
Organized at the initiative of the GIMRA (Groupement des Industries de Santé et du Médicament de la Région Auvergne), it will bring together the healthcare companies of our territory, training and study guidance institutions as well as national employment actors who come to testify and exchange with the public on the interest and the great diversity of the professions in an inclusive, growing sector that promotes diversity of talent.
Open to all, middle school students, high school students, apprentices, students, job seekers and people looking for a career transition, MEET-UP PHARMA aims to change the way the general public and young people view the healthcare industry.
On the program :
– A presentation of the pharma business opportunities with the presence of many experts who will exchange with the public on their business. All levels of training will be represented.
Some examples: laboratory technician, industry pharmacist, head of marketing range, forklift operator, production operator, maintenance manager, accountant and many others.
– A 100% pharma job dating with more than 100 jobs to fill (of all levels of training: with or without a diploma).
– A candidate space with the presence of several HR coaches to create or proofread CVs or practice on a flash interview. A professional photographer will also be present to make free CV photos and the public will also be able to perform a revealing test of potential.
– A videogame space to discover our businesses while having fun.
More than 30 professionals from the sector will lead these spaces and many GIMRA member companies will take part in the presentation of this innovative, dynamic, patient-oriented and health-related sector that is designed to create a sustainable future.
The association HandiEM (Handicap Entreprises du Médicament) which carries the conviction that difference is a strength, will also be present on this event.
Saturday 8 October 2022 from 9 am to 5 pm
Place de la Victoire – Clermont-Ferrand