ON-LIGHT will take part on the 2nd Regional Research Days in the Hospital Centre, organized by Emile Roux Hospital Center of Puy-en-Velay on 23 and 24 June 2022.

These two days will be an opportunity to learn and reflect on the clinical research of the territory in AURA region.
ON-LIGHT will present its UVAir (Upper-room #UVGI), UVBlow (Enclosed #UVGI) and UVCab (High Level Decontamination) Air Decontamination Systems for a few seconds via UVGI.
ON-LIGHT will also present, in partnership with the Laboratory of Biology of the Emile Roux Hospital center, the ongoing research on the determination of the sensitivity of pathogens to UVGI at different wavelengths, and in particular on bacterial pathogens, viruses and phages.
The congress will be held, in the premises of the Departmental Council of the Haute-Loire.
Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
Contact: Fateh Singh | fsingh@on-light.fr
Phone: +33 640 668 436